Qiwi Belgisch Kampioen!

Yesterday at the Eurodogshow Kortrijk, Belgium the apple of my eye πŸ₯QIWIπŸ₯ finished her πŸ†Belgium ChampionπŸ† title in style by winning BOB and further on being placed πŸ₯‰3rd in GroupπŸ₯‰!

Thanks to breed judge Milan Krinke (CZ) and group judge R. Vanhoenacker (BE)

πŸ₯QIWIπŸ₯ C.I.B NLCH BECH LUCH DKCH Bloody Luxury Qlassy Lady

(MultiCh. Alistair’s You’ll Never Walk Alone πŸ‘»GhostπŸ‘» x Ch. In Vogue Island Hidden Secret 🌸Jasmin🌸)